Saturday, July 6, 2013


Part 0: My Initial Feelings...

We are in wonderful times! That was my initial feeling as I saw today (5th July, 2013) the Holy Father Pope Francis, accompanied by the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, stand on the lawns of the Vatican Gardens and address the media, presenting the first encyclical of his Pontificate! As "brothers in faith" - that is how Pope Francis refers to himself and his predecessor - they stood there witnessing to the real concept of service of authority, within the portals of the Church.

Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith) comes to complete the Trilogy begun by the former Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI. Of his three encyclicals, two were reflections on the  Cardinal Christian Virtues of Love and Hope. The present encyclical comes to complete the reflection, offering to dwell on the virtue of Faith. Deus Caritas Est, published in 2005, on Christian Love and Spe Salvi, published in 2007, on Christian Hope, are the two of the Encyclicals which have been complemented with the present one signed by Pope Francis on 29th June, 2013, the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. The significance of the feast of the two saints and the encyclical being written by two - one signed and one unsigned- authors, seem to be more than a coincidence.

My another feeling of "Wonderful Times" came from the fact that I was able to read the encyclical the very day that it was presented by the Holy Father to the World - thanks to the advancement of the Social Media and the presence of the Church in the world of Media. Beginning with this note, I intend to post here, my first glance of the encyclical. I wonder how far a theological reflection it could be, however I don't wish to claim that this would be so! All that I propose to do is present a personal initial summary on the Encyclical in parts, deferring a theological reflection for another moment. 

There are certain 'firsts' that mark this encylical and its context, a list of that can be interesting.
- obviously, it is the first time an encyclical has been written by two persons! Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. However, it is signed by only one - for we have One Pope and there is no confusion about it.
- for the first time, a Pope and his predecessor present an encyclical standing together, side by side as brothers in faith.
- for the first time an encyclical quotes the likes of Nietzsche (for some who consider themselves traditional or conservative, this can be brain-jammer!!!)
- and ofcourse for the first time, I am reading an encyclical on the first day of its release!(how significant is that for you, anyway!)

Some Intial Details of the Encyclical:

Lumen Fidei, is a rather short encyclical on Christian Faith, with just 60 articles, divided into four chapters with a prelude and a closure. The prelude (1-7) is a general presentation of the encyclical with the introduction to the theme and the last three articles (58-60) as always, present the theme in relation to the Blessed Mother, the Mother of the Church and seeks her intercession for a renewal of faith. The remaining 50 articles are divided into four chapters, namely, We have believed in Love (8-22); Unless you beleive you will not Understand (23-36); I delivered to you what I also received (37-49); and God prepares a City for them (50-57). 

As Pope Francis himself acknowledges the major contribution of Benedict XVI, we can well notice the theologian's reflections dominating the first three chapters while the final chapter changes its tone into more pastoral, indicating the change of hand. However, the beautiful transition that is not only in the text but in the whole Church and its happenings, is so admirable to witness. (to be continued...)

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