Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Scourge of the #hashtags and the Urge to be counted

In these days of ‘netmospheric supremacy’…where everything seems to be dominated by social network, with posts and comments, likes and shares, tweets and retweets, updates and whatsapps, there is a new phenomenon that is catching up! Communication, faster communication, instant communication…and now it is notable communication that matters! What am I rumbling about?

It is about #using #hashtags #everywhere in the #updates one wants to #add to his or her own #post or #wall or on #socialnetworking sites!

What are we looking at… a communication that is becoming more an end in itself! Communication is to communicate and not for its own sake! More than communicating what one wants to, the fact that one has communicated becomes more to be recognised, and something that cannot be left unnoticed. Going on a Facebook page or a twitter or other popular social networking sites, one notices today the invasion of the hash tags, right into the subject matter, which were once just used as merely tag keys at the end of a subject or the content. The scourge of this sign does not leave you even when what is being reported is a sensitive or a heart churning issue! Media reporting proves sans ethics when it seeks to increase its readership or TRP rating or likes or hits…even on an issue like a natural disaster or inhumanity against someone! And individuals follow suit, justifying and reifying the craze into a legitimate need to get noticed or get counted!

In a short time now, this will be already an accepted phenomenon…and I just want to record my annoyance before anyone finds it “too late”. Am I acting under an urge to be counted too?

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