Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WORD 2day

18th September, 2013

Conformity and Compromise seem to be the most acceptable modes of social living in today's context. What if someone refuses to conform - thank one's fortunes if he or she is a success; if the person bungles, he or she is termed - 'weird', 'good-for-nothing', 'worthless', 'abnormal', 'hard headed', 'stubborn' or so on. Living by values and standing up for God, today seems to be an out-of-fashion attitude. But the only way to belong to the "household of God"(1 Tim 3:15) is by our way of living! Inspite of the pressurising crowd, the preposterous situations or the prejudiced society, one is called to remain a disciple of Christ, in word, deed and thought. It is a vocation 24/7; it is a call every moment of the day and every day of the year! Both ways are open to us : the easier option to conform to the world - dancing to its tunes or playing to its moves, or the tough call to 'put on the mind of Christ' (Phil 2:5). Paul said it plainly in his letter, "do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the ...will of God" (Rom 12:2).

1 comment:

Pushparajah said...

உலகினரின் தாளத்திற்கேற்ப ஆடாமல், அல்லது - நல்லவன் போன்று வேடமிடாமல் - இறைவனின் சித்தத்திற்கேற்ப மாறிவிடு...
ஆமென் !