Wednesday, October 23, 2013

WORD 2day

23rd October, 2013

Being slaves of righteousness - it is a wonderful figure of speech that St. Paul uses to communicate the level of virtuousness that we need to arrive at. Because, more is given to us (for God did not spare anything for the love God has for us); and so more is expected of us! The Lord in his turn speaks of the same with the help of a parable. Jesus speaks of various categories of persons today: those who do not know what is right and so fail to do it, they are helpless  and will receive the light; those who do not know what is right but still do it, they are fortunate and so are blessed; those who know what is right but still do not do it, they are slaves to unrighteousness and they bring upon themselves needless grief; those who know what is right and are particular about doing it - they are the righteous, they are the people of the light, they are the sons and daughters of God... they are the really 'Blessed'! Which category do I belong to?

1 comment:

Pushparajah said...

சரியான காரியம் எது என்பதை நன்கு அறிந்திருந்து, சரியான காரியத்தையே செய்பவரே நீதிமான்!

அவரே ஒளியின் மக்கள்!

அவரே இறைவனின் மகன் - மகள்!

அவர்களே உண்மையில் ஆசீர்வதிக்கப் பட்டவர்கள்!

† ஆமென் †