Thursday, October 10, 2013

WORD 2day

10th October, 2013

'Why do the just suffer and why do the evildoers prosper?' - this has always been an unresolved question in history. There is yet another fundamental question that is subtler and more crucial and that is - what is good and what is evil; what it means to be righteous and what it means to be wicked. Both these grand queries are reflected upon in today's readings which give us the criteria to be acceptable in the eyes of God: To give the first place to God and things that pertain to God and to trust in God with no doubts whatsoever! When these criteria are lived in our daily life, there will be no necessity for the questions we mentioned a while ago! The first will take care of the greed and manipulation that governs the world today; and the second will make us humble to receive everything from the hands of God, so that we look at ourselves and at each other as brothers and sisters of the One Father and Mother!

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