Sunday, November 24, 2013

Another date with Pope Francis

24th Nov, 2013:Christ the King Sunday: Closure of the Year of Faith

If a 'date' is a time spent in knowing the other and letting oneself be charmed by him or her, and if it is any definition to go by, today was another date for me with Pope Francis. Every time i spend some time with him in prayer..or in reading about him or thinking about him, he leaves me more charmed by his personality, his charism and his unassuming role of a prophetic pastor! Today was yet another date with him, at St. Peter's Square.

The holy father leaves out no occasion to remember and thank the pope emeritus Benedict again he thanked him for the great gift of the Year of Faith...and marked the conclusion with the first of his Apostolic Exhortations ... Evangelii Gaudium. 

He took this opportunity also to present the relics of St. Peter for the first time to the public.

In his homily, he presented in his typical 3 point style, Christ as the Centre..
- the centre of Creation
- the centre of the People of God
- the centre of History...
and insisted, that if Christ is not the centre of our lives, and if he is substituted with someone or something else, we would find our life very soon empty and meaningless.

Closing the year of faith, he invited the faithful to journey together, towards God..towards that centre of faith, that is Jesus Christ. It was yet another day to witness that joy that he has in meeting people, celebrating the faith with them, sharing his genuine feeling of togtherness with his 'brother' bishops... He makes Jesus present amidst us! How I wish, i glow in the same passion and love!!!

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