Sunday, December 22, 2013

WORD 2day: 23rd December, 2013

Needed Traits to Receive the Lord #2: READINESS

The second trait necessary is that of Readiness. Readiness does not mean a mere passive waiting... it is an active preparation, without which one would miss the moment of truth. The coming of the Lord is the moment of truth for us, and we have to be ready - which is, to be prepared in heart and mind, in spirit and in action. That is what the first reading calls us to - to be well disposed to be refined as silver is refined in the furnace, to make our life worthy of the sacred mysteries we are about to celebrate. It is like the period of pain that Elisabeth and the time of muteness that Zachariah had to go through. The sacrament of Confession is a wonderful moment of refinement, a great sign of our READINESS to receive the Lord, this Christmas! 

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