Saturday, December 7, 2013

WORD 2day

7th December, 2013: Remembering St. Ambrose

God is Gracious, God is Compassionate - that is the key to behold the message of the readings today. Jesus chooses his apostles and sends them out - because he had compassion on the people. Jesus sends the apostles out because there is so much to be done, so much tears to be wiped, so much guilt to be washed, so much suffering to be allayed, so much love to be shared, so much hope to be spread, in order that the Reign of God may truly come. The Lord sends you and me today - to go out and share love, spread hope, and build the Reign of God. Do we have doubts as to what we can really do? Never mind, for we will hear the voice of the Master behind us, 'This is the way, walk in it!" (Is 30:21) The Lord depends on you and me... to take God's compassion to the the needy and the suffering...yes the harvest is plentiful, there is so much to be done! As God chose Ambrose from the crowd to be raised into a great pastor in the Church, to win over saints like Augustine for the Lord, so does God choose you and me today! Yes, it is you and I who have to do it... take the Reign of Love to our brothers and sisters!

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