Thursday, January 2, 2014

WORD 2day: 2nd January, 2014

God, Faith and our Choice!

God loved us, and as if that was not enough, God had to prove it at great costs. God works marvelous things, and as if that is not enough, God has to every time prove, that the things are marvelous and that God did them! Faith is of course a gift from God, but receiving it or not, depends on our disposition and our readiness; it is our choice! The Word became flesh and came to dwell among us; God revealed Godself to us, and God continues to reveal... do we have the eyes to see it and the heart to accept it? How many miracles happen all around us every single day...and do we really notice each of them? Today, let us remain open with our eyes alive and our hearts warm, to receive and appreciate the splendid signs of God's presence with us. Do we really believe in the Emmanuel, God-with-us?

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