Thursday, January 30, 2014

WORD 2day: 30th January, 2014

Consecrated to Shine!

The tradition of consecrating oneself or consecrating one's family or consecrating the world to God, at some high moments of spiritual significance is no new practice! Right from Joshua who declared, "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord" (Josh 24:15), we see this practice as an expressed desire to belong to the Lord despite changing times and diversified experiences. In fact, the Lord consecrated every one of us to Himself at our Baptism and this consecration has to be lived; it has to be pronounced with unction among the people; it has to shine forth reminding ourselves and inviting others to a fuller consecration to the Lord, our God. Have you consecrated yourself or your family to the Lord? If no, why not do it tomorrow... being Friday, you can consecrate yourself and your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and thus give the central place to the love of God in your family. There is a beautiful Catholic Tradition of Consecration of the family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and an annual renewal of that consecration on a fixed date: could be a practical way to keep our faith alive and shining, like the lamp on the lampstand. 

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