Tuesday, February 11, 2014

WORD 2day: 11th February, 2014

External Expressions Vs Internal Dispositions

Still keeping with the theme of yesterday, the first reading presents to us Solomon who brings to light the relationship that lies between the absolute importance of the temple and the folly of limiting God's presence to the temple. They are two elements of a devotion that is matured, worthy of being called an adult faith. Jesus too talks of the same, but from a different context. He contrasts between an External Expression and an Internal Disposition: they are not exclusive choices to be made but a mature balance to be achieved. External expressions without deep internal dispositions will turn into mere ritualism and legalism; while mere internal dispositions without right external expression will lead to a cold individualism which is totally 'unchristian'! Our Blessed Mother, did not only keep everything in her heart and ponder (Lk 2:51), but also intervened in concrete situations with relevant actions (Jn 2:3). Commemorating Our Lady of Lourdes and remembering the 22nd World day of the Sick - let us resolve to make the life of persons who suffer, who are sick and who are in need, a little better to be lived - if not, all our faith-practices will become empty expressions of ritual legalism. Let our internal disposition be challenged and transformed on a daily basis towards a continuous maturity that leads to a meaningful living of our faith.

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