Friday, February 14, 2014

WORD 2day: 14th February, 2014

Pride, Rebellion and Hearing God's Voice

The readings today speak of two that was ending and the other which was rising. Prophet Ahijah instructs Jeroboam about the role that he has to play in the fall of David's kingdom. And in the Gospel we see the people who rejoice at the coming of the Kingdom (Reign) of God: "the deaf hear and the mute speak" they exclaim - that phrase was symbolic and indicative of the Reign of God to the people of Israel. The message is obvious - it is an invitation to turn away from a tendency of human pride and rebellion and place the absolute dominion always in the hands of God. Right from the beginning (explained by the stories of Adam and Eve, the tower of Babel and so on), the ruin of humankind has been due to human pride; the entry point of sin into humanity has been rebellion. It is in that rebellion and pride that we make gods for ourselves - making gods of our own ego, of our successes, of our plans and projects, of our prospects and the social ladders, of our attachments and cravings. At times, only when drastic things happen we realise our folly! The Lord says to us today: I am the Lord you God, hear my voice...let us make it our habit to hear the Lord's voice and live by it everyday.

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