Saturday, April 12, 2014


Palm Sunday 2014: 13th April

Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mt 26:14-27:66

Jesus enters Jerusalem. Jesus knows well what awaits him there... he had told his disciples that the Son of Man would be handed over to be tried and tortured; he had seen people plotting against him and waiting for a moment to lay hands on him; he had heard the whispers against him that it is better that one man dies for the whole of Israel. In spite of all these, Jesus sets his face towards Jerusalem, he enters Jerusalem.

Just as we find a festive atmosphere suddenly in the midst of the lenten sobriety this Sunday, so did Jesus find the joy of those people as he entered Jerusalem. He joins them in their celebration, notwithstanding the anxiety that clung to his soul. When someone suggested that he stop the people from all the frenzy, he disagrees with them and allows the jubilation and joins them in it. As the saying goes, "live life king size", we see Jesus showing the way to live life God size!

Jesus' solemn entry into Jerusalem, is not merely a road show; it is much more. Like the disciples who had the transfiguration experience to sustain themselves, the common believers are given this solemn reception as something that they can fall back upon when things would look to be going wrong. He wants them to understand the celebration and the following confusions, the jubilation and the following tragedies, the triumphant entry and the shameful exit...all of these as part of a grand plan, a salvific plan. All that we need to do is live life from God's hands. Surrender every thing, every little thing that happens - joy or sorrow, challenge or victory, opportunity or obstacle...surrender every thing into the hands of God and find its meaning from there. This is living life from God's hands! This is the first step to live life God size!

Jesus was constantly motivated by the Mission that was entrusted to him by the One who sent him. It was this mission that defined his thoughts, words and actions. When there was a temptation of resting on the glory of the wonders that were happening, or the pressure from the people to make him their king, or the tendency towards attachment to a particular place or people, Jesus had his mind clear. He always said, we have to go to other villages and proclaim the good news! Living Life for God's Mission, was all that mattered for him. That is why a call from Herod for signs or a plea from Pilate for a submission or the threats from the high priests - all of them fell on a deaf ear. Jesus' mind was focused on just one thing: living life for God's Mission.

I came that you may have life; life in all its fullness: this was the self definition of Jesus' mission. The true glory of God is a human being fully alive, and Jesus is the prototype of this. Difficulties, rejections, let downs, oppositions, criticisms and condemnations, nothing really mattered for Jesus. He understood living to the full consists of all these experiences put together. What matters is hope, trust, and courage in the Lord with which to leap into the future which is filled with joy, splendour and peace that God alone can give. Behold, I come to do your will, says the Son and challenges us to do the same: to live our life to the full. Not to give up at the first of problems, not to give in to the least of the tests, but to remain faithful to the will of God, and obey with the same humility as the Son of God who emptied himself to the point of accepting death on the Cross. 

Let us look at the picture that the readings paint today...the man who foresees a terrible time amidst the people gathered around in extraordinary jubilation; the calmness of Jesus and the excitement of the people. This is living the moment to the full, living every thing that comes our way with intensity, this is living life God size! 

Let us live our life from God's hands, live our life for God's mission and live our life to the full and we would live our life God size, after the example of our Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

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