Friday, April 11, 2014

WORD 2day: 11th April, 2014


Jer 20: 10-13; Jn 10: 31-42                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Dedication to God's mission and distress are at times inseparable, as the world has forces working intently against God and anything pertaining to God. "We must be on the guard against the presence of evil in world," reminds the Holy Father. Explicitly or indirectly, we are bound to face oppositions and criticism when we choose to stand by God and carry God's message to others. If for long we do not find any opposition, it would be high time to review whether we are really doing God's mission, carrying out the design laid out by God. 

Both Jeremiah and Jesus chose to stand by God and they were derided, tortured, were considered liable unto death. But they were unmoved, unperturbed; they counted no cost and were prepared for anything for the sake of the God's will. 

Would we be able to repeat what Jesus says in the Gospel today: the Father is in me and I am in the Father. We would be able to do, if only we relearn not to count the cost when it comes to love for the Lord and commitment to the Lord!

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