Wednesday, April 2, 2014

WORD 2day: 3rd April, 2014


Exo 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47

Testifying to oneself, others testifying, God testifying, the Word testifying... testifying to the Truth is an important element of one's Spirituality. Jesus speaks of all these today in the Gospel. The point he makes is: a hard hearted person will never see the truth, however clearly it might be presented. The people of Israel in the first reading are an ample illustration of this fact. In spite of the wonders that they witnessed in Egypt, at the red sea and in the desert, they had the hardness of heart to go in search of gods made of their own hands! Confusions of our daily life, little troubles of our regular days, temptations amidst our ordinary experiences, struggles to carry out one's duties - these can some times make us forget the Truth that we have always experienced. Deserting one's faith, abandoning one's traditions, going in search of substitutes for the cherished experiences of life and phenomena of these sorts are nothing strange to the world today. How well founded is our faith expreience? In whom have we placed our hope? Let us relearn to live our life, founded on Truth!

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