Sunday, June 29, 2014

WORD 2day: 30th June, 2014

The Tough Call

Am 2: 6-10, 13-16; Mt 8: 18-22

Following the Lord is not an easy task, it is really a tough call. Amos explains today how an unjust life and a godly life cannot go together, how a maltreatment of a brother or a sister and the worship of the Lord cannot be reconciled with each other, how selfishness and true spirituality are opposed to each other. Amos will continue to challenge us this whole week. Amos is called the roaring lion, the Lord's voice that convicts us, the goodness of God that challenges us to be just, good and truly holy.

Jesus, in the Gospel, takes the presentation of Amos ahead and points to how difficult it is to be true disciples to a demanding master like the Lord! It is a fact! The Lord demands nothing less than an absolute commitment or surrender to the Lord. It is all about Integrity, a state where what I think and what I express are one and the same, what I preach and what I struggle to practice are not opposed to each other, what I do and what I am flow from the fact that I belong to God always and everywhere! It is indeed a tough call... but there is no other way to prove myself worthy of the One who has called me!

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