Sunday, July 27, 2014

Those who love God...

27th July, 2014 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1 Kgs 3: 5, 7-12; Rom 8: 28-30; Mt 13: 44-52

What would be your prayer, if God gives you an offer as God did to Solomon?

What would be your choice from a variety of spread: success, prosperity, happiness, and a life close to God....?

When things seem to go wrong... what do you do: get nervous, get frustrated, get anxious or you remain calm because God knows what is best and will work everything out for your good!

How much does God matter to you in your life? Or in other words what are all the things that you would keep aside in order to be with God?

St. Paul in the second reading today declares that God works for the good of "those who love God"... do you really belong to that category? the category of "THOSE WHO LOVE GOD"?

For today's reflection, this clip can help:

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