Thursday, August 14, 2014

WORD 2day: 14th August, 2014

Obstinacy of Human Selfishness - Remembering St. Maxmilian Kolbe

Ezek 12: 1-12; Mt 18:21 - 19:1
The Rebellious people have eyes to see but do not see; they have ears to hear but do not hear. How good, loving, forgiving, merciful and bountiful God is to me - I am so aware of it right until the time that I myself have to be good, loving, forgiving and generous with those around me! I begin to count, calculate, justify, judge, grudge and grumble when I have to give or forgive or show mercy or be loving. I have the eyes to see God's goodness but I lack the vision to see that I need to be good too. I have the ears to hear the merciful whisperings of the Divine but I don't have the ears to hear the pleading for mercy in the eyes of my brother and sister! What is this but an awful obstinacy of human selfishness?

The Obstinacy of Human Selfishness does not allow me to share with the others whatever God has given me; it blocks even the natural consciousness and awareness of the extent to which I have received. In comparison to the amount of love that God has showered on us, where does the level of love that I show to others stand? In comparison to the sins and the wickedness that God has forgiven in me, where do the simple faults committed by my brother or my sister stand? Maxmilian Kolbe, stands tall in this regard as he offers to give of himself to a brother of his, whom he know not, from whom he received not, for whom he did not make any calculations whatsoever - a simple but profound way of loving as God does!

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