Wednesday, August 27, 2014

WORD 2day: 27th August, 2014

The Lord be with you: Remembering Saint Monica

2 Thess 3: 6-10, 16-18; Mt 23: 27-32

The loftiest wish one can make for another is, that the Lord be with him or her! But a Christian hears it almost all the time that he or she is out there to pray, specially in union  with the other brothers and sisters. Today St. Paul makes the same wish and prays that we may be blessed with peace. That peace and serenity will come only with the presence of the Lord and that is the meaning of the wish, 'Lord be with you!'

But this wish is at one and the same time, a blessing and a challenge. A blessing because it is in that moment of blessing that the Lord decides to intervene definitively in favour of the salvation of the entire humankind. It is a challenge because, the Lord being with us all the time, is a bit inconvenient. The Lord would be aware of everything we say or do, because the Lord is close at hand. Would I feel comfortable if the Lord knows all that I am involved in? Or would there be areas, where I would rather be by myself, without God?

In fact, it is this sense of God, the sense of God's presence all the time with me that amounts to a spirituality that is profound in its simplicity. Saint Monica is a great example in this regard. Her incessant prayers for her son and her spiritual endurance in waiting for the grace of God to bear fruit are lessons taught so powerfully. 

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