Wednesday, September 10, 2014

WORD 2day: 11th September, 2014

The Crux of Christianity

1 Cor 8: 1B-7, 11-13; Lk 6: 27-38

The readings today have a practical summary for Christian living; it offers for our consideration and reflection the crux of christianity: LOVE, love in all its concrete sense. In fact in the context of the letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul is slowly building up towards the presentation of the all important hymn of love. 

Christian life has to be defined by love: love understood as sensitivity towards the weak and vulnerable; love understood as the compassion towards the needy and suffering; love understood as a non judgmental acceptance of the other; love understood as giving without counting; love understood as going an extra mile; love understood as forgiveness and love understood as relationship shared in the One God, the One Father and Mother of all. At times it might look very simplistic to propose love as the solution for all problems in life, but giving a serious thought to it, everything boils down to that. Love is the only answer to all the problems in life, in the world and in the whole of existence. True love (only what is true is love), true love alone can set the world back to its perfect mode of happiness and meaning. 

Anything else can  find only pseudo remedies and temporary face-lifts. It is love and love alone that can offer true salvation to humankind, because truly, the crux of Christianity is nothing other than, true love!

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