Thursday, September 25, 2014

WORD 2day: 25th September, 2014

From Vanity to Sanity, towards Sanctity

Eccl 1:2-11; Lk 9: 7-9

TINNUTS... one of our formators used to sigh often, when we were in our initial formation. And the expansion of it goes this way: There Is Nothing New Under The Sun.The first reading speaks of vanities in life. Labour, dreams, experiences, senses...everything is a vanity if they are not in the right perspective.

The Gospel presents to us a personification of vanities, Herod! Herod had every opportunity to realise the vanity with which he was living. But he made no use of them, he even put an end to them. That would surely affect him all his life. That is why the Gospel says, "he kept saying, I beheaded John."

Are there vanities which surround us today? Aren't there opportunities offered to realise them and to do away with them? From Vanity to Sanity...that is the ordinary journey we are expected to make, to embark upon the extraordinary journey towards sanctity!

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