Thursday, September 4, 2014

WORD 2day: 4th September, 2014

Realisation leads to transformation

1 Cor 3: 18-23; Lk 5: 1-11

A person who has been coming to me for some time now, to share some experiences of concern in his personal life, remarked the other day: "but, you keep saying for everything, become conscious!" I said, "yes! that's the key! become conscious, or you can make no change. Realise and you can change, you can grow, you can transform!" Realisation alone leads to proper self understanding: realisation of one's limitedness to humility and realisation of one's givenness to gratitude! It is this realisation that made Peter fall at the Lord's feet; it is the same realisation that made Paul remind us, life or death, everything belongs to God, we belong to God!

Realisation, Awareness, Consciousness, Self-knowledge, Self-realisation... various terms referring to the same reality: "Be still and know that I am God". It is not merely knowing, for we all know and we know a lot. It is more than knowing; it is, knowing that I know; it is knowing what I know and what I do not. It is a realisation that leads to transformation; that act of casting the nets into the deep, for a true catch! All that we need to do is move ourselves into that depth, the depth of realisation and the Lord will lead us to transformation.

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