Tuesday, November 18, 2014

WORD 2day: 18th November, 2014

Letting Jesus enter our homes
Rev 3: 1-6, 14-22; Lk 19: 1-10

To welcome Jesus into our homes: that is the task given to us by the Word today. Obviously when Jesus comes its a blessing - 'today salvation has come into this house' (Lk 19:9).   But it is more than that, a Challenge: 'because you are neither cold nor hot, i will spit you' (cf. Rev 3:16). Once he comes, things cannot remain the same! You cannot remain both dead and alive at the same time; hot and cold at the same time; or belonging and not belonging to the Lord at the same time!

You have to make a choice and choices are all! Like Zachaeus who not only changed from his old ways but made up even for the mistakes, for his wrong doings and every thing that made others' lives less happy, we would be called to make some drastic choices. The choice is ours - to keep to our old ways or to let Jesus enter our homes. The home that he enters, the hearts where he resides...will be marked by the choices, or the Choice 'to be blameless and holy before him' (Eph 1:4).

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