Sunday, December 14, 2014

WORD 2day: 13th December, 2014

Second Saturday of Advent
Sir 48: 1-4, 9-11; Mt 17: 9a, 10-13

Elijah, John and You!

They wondered why Elijah should come back, because for them Elijah meant trouble. That is the reason they could not see Elijah in the Baptist. And Jesus pointed it out on their face. 

For us today 'Elijah' would be those persons and situations that challenge us to greater commitment and total dedication. And 'John 'would be those people who put us into a spiritual uneasiness by their witness in life. 

What would be your response to the urgency of the Reign today: the increasing compromises in Christian living and the senseless alienation of life from the Christian belief. Keep Elijah and John in your mind for a practical and concrete dedication towards the integrity of the Reign. 

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