Monday, December 1, 2014

WORD 2day: 2nd December, 2014

A Child's traits for the Reign
Is  11: 1-10; Lk 10: 21 -24

Lion sleeping with the lamb, bear playing with a kid and all peaceful on the holy mount- when we read these lines,  we feel like saying,  it's utopian; it's like a child's dream! Precisely because of this Jesus makes that exclamation today: that the Father has revealed such things to mere children while the expert eyes are busy prying over the obvious.

The Child's capacity underlined here by Christ and advocated as required traits for the persons of the Reign, are threefold. Firstly,  it is to see! Having that freshness of perception which would allow the person to observe any simple sign.  Secondly,  it is to accept! Sporting that openness of mind that would not rule out any thing as total impossibility,  because with God everything is possible. Thirdly, the humility with which one is able to wait on the Lord, as did the kings and the prophets who waited for the day of the Lord.

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