Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Martyr Devasagayam - the first Tamil to be raised to the Altars

14th January, 2015

Born on April 23, 1712, Neelakandan was baptised a Catholic in 1745, as Devasagayam and within seven years, he died a Martyr in 1752, on this day. There are still controversies regarding the way he died: some groups claiming that it was no era of persecutions and therefore his martyrdom is doubtful. But the Chruch maintains him a martyr because of the thorough study of the circumstances around his murder, by King Marthanda Varman, under whom Neelakandan was a Court Official. 

Two elements that stand out in the life of Devasagayam can be taken for our consideration: First, the fact that he was brought to Catholic faith by a Dutch General who was taken as Prisoner of War by Marthandan and later raised to the ranks of an Army Commander. The Dutch General, Eustachius De Lannoy, was an ardent Catholic who inspired a conversion in Devasagayam. This man was in no position of authority or power to influence a conversion but it was a true internal conversion, based on a personal experience of Christ's love.

The Second element is the Martyrdom itself: the determination with which Devasagayam seemed to have held on to his new found faith in Christ and decided to give up his life rather than his faith. His martyrdom, it is said, gave rise to mass conversions of people to Christianity. Do we have to doubt that, since we know: 'a grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies, gives rise to a hundred fold' (Jn 12:24).

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