Friday, February 6, 2015


Gonsalo Garcia - yet another Indian!
Heb 13: 1-8; Mk 6: 14-29

In the recent weeks we have been remembering saints,  blesseds and martyrs connected to India. Bl. Devasagayam,  St. Joseph Vaz, John de Britto and today it is Gonsalo Garcia. Though world wide it is commemorated as Paul Miki and companions,  for us in India it would be just and right to focus on Gonsalo Garcia, who formed part of that group of missionaries who gave their life for the Kingdom.

Some interesting facts about St. Gonsalo: he was born of a portughese father and an Indian mother. He left India when he was 15. He was among the 26 missionaries killed in Nagasaki, Japan.

As the first reading points to us,  we have a great lesson of zeal and passion for the Word from the life of Gonsalo Garcia. He was intent on going as a missionary and that is what he did. He knew he risked his life but he did not mind dying for his Master. He was crucified along with the others and it is said they brought his head to his birth place vasai.

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