Sunday, March 1, 2015


2nd Sunday of Lent: 1st March 2015

Gen 22: 1-2, 9a,10-13, 15-18; Rom 8: 31b-34; Mk 9: 2-10

God's love is demonstration today and we are invited to behold that true, genuine, authentic and matchless love in the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour!

What does the call to "behold" mean? It means to observe, understand and accept it in all its fullness. We would do well to do it today, with the help of the readings.

Observe that God's love is a love that gives: Are we ready to give? Yes...a bit of our changes in the pocket, a few of our currencies in the wallet, some of us a little more...may be our enjoyment of a movie or two during the season of lent, or our stylish make overs or things of that sort! But Observe, calls the second reading today: observe the love that God has for us. Because that love, God gave, God gave Godself; God's own son, the only Son, the Word who was One with God. 

Understand that God's love is a love that gives all: God's love is not merely a love that gives but a love that gives everything, gives all that God is...The Gospel reminds us of that: Jesus shows us and his disciples, what he has given up for the sake of the love he had for us! The first moment we find it, we feel like holding on to it. The apostles wanted to remain there...Jesus reminds us: "No... you call is to give, to give up, to give all, to give of yourself; that is my love!"

Accept God's love into your heart: To behold God's love would finally mean accept God's love into our hearts, fill our hearts with God's love! Abraham was ready even to give up his son, because he was filled with God's love; by then he had experienced what God's love means and what change it can bring about in his life. That is why he did not consider anything on par with God's love. In our life to, if we believe and behold God's love, that has to be seen. It has to be seen in our lives, our day to day relationships, our choices and our responses to events. To behold God's love is to be held by God's love and hold out that love to all whom we come across! 

May our lives be transformed, by God's love into God's love!

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