Friday, March 6, 2015


Do not Kill

Second week in Lent: Friday,  6th Mar, 2015
Gen e 7: 3-4, 12-17 a,  17-28b; Mt 21: 33-43, 45-47

There is a common phrase in today's readings: come let us kill him! At times we target a helpless individual just because the person is different from us or thinks different from us. Inspite of knowing well that the person is right and just, we tend to gang up against the person merely because he or she is an hindrance to our way of thinking or our way of being. Our words,  or judgements,  the remarks we pass,  the comments we circulate can be really killing the person, worse even than sentencing the person to death. Character assassinations, insensitive treatment of persons,  selfish manipulation of individuals and exploitations of all types are some ways we do away with persons around us! 

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