Friday, March 20, 2015


Doing away with persons

Fourth week in Lent: Friday,  20th Mar, 2015
Wis 2: 1a, 12-22; Jn 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30

People need no special reason to reject or condemn some one... it is enough that he or she is different from them. The passage from the book of Wisdom,  though written hundreds of years before Christ, seems to fit in exactly to his life, as if it were a direct prophecy about Christ's life and its end. Just take another look, it seems to fit into many others' lives too... D.K. Ravi IAS, who was found dead just 4 days back, Srinivas, Satyendra Dubey, Manjunath and so many others who have given their lives for having been what they were, in our own nation. Others who are fighting to be what they are, like Sagayam IAS and others... the passage seems to fit in! 

Yes, it will fit in to the life of anyone who wishes to live the purpose of one's life to the full. Like Jesus, we are called to be persons who live our life to the full, and be reminders to everyone to live their's. Jesus knows that he will be soon laid hands upon, but that would not stop him from being what he were, or doing what he did! It is so important that we understand our real identity with such clarity, to be as strong and determined as Jesus was. May the Lord fill us with that understanding!

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