Sunday, April 19, 2015

Christ: the Fulfillment

III Sunday of Easter: 19th April, 2015

Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19; 1 Jn 2: 1-5a; Lk 24: 35-48

What am I upto? What is happening in my life? Why am I going through all that I am going through in life? I have always been very obedient to the Lord and in spite of that I am through so many things in life...but why? - these are some questions we often come up with or listen from people. 

What is the meaning of suffering? What is the ultimate purpose of life? Will I be totally certain of it at any point of time within my lifetime? If yes, then where is the element of mystery that makes my life so rich?

Very rarely does a Sunday Liturgy lack any reading from the Old Testament. If you notice today, all the three readings are from the New Testament. And there seems to be a logical reason behind it. The readings are all taken from the new testament to draw home to us the fact that Jesus Christ,the Son of God, is the fulfillment of the promises from the initial promise at the Garden of Eden right through the law and the prophets! The first reading and the Gospel establishes that in clear terms. When the fullness of time had come (Gal 4:4), God sent the fulfillment of God's promises.

If Christ is the fulfillment, we are called to be fulfillments too. It is true that Christ is the fullness of Revelation, the climax of God's revelation and the entirety of all that is to be revealed about God. But that Revelation to the world is going on,in progress even today, continuously, in and through you and me. That is what God wished and Jesus initiated. that we become the continued fulfillments of God's salvific plan. Jesus made us living testimonies of the unfolding plan of God. We are not finished products and God's salvation plan is not a closed chapter. The salvation is wrought by the blood of Christ, but that salvation history is being written, chapter by chapter, a page a day!

Yes, our everyday is a page of our salvation history. Our choices, our lifestyle, our decisions, our assents and our negations - everything is part of the holisitic salvation history being written by God, in and through my life. The question is, how flexible am I in the hands of God; how faithful am I to the mind of God; how freely do I submit myself to the plan of God? The teachings of the Lord, that comes our way through the various elements of our faith life, like the commandments, the traditional expressions of faith, the need to find time and space for God in one's life, the obligation to express that importance of that time and space, through our thoughts, words and deeds of love towards our neighbours, the invitation to live our daily life with the perspective of eternity always before our eyes: that everything finds its fulfillment only in God... these are those elements which make our everyday a fulfillment of God's plan and project. 

Christ, the fulfillment of all the promises so far, invites us to be the continued fulfillments of the salvation history that he brought to its perfection, on a daily basis by knowing, recognising and submitting to God and God's designs!

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