Thursday, April 23, 2015

WORD 2day: God draws those who are drawn

Thursday,  III Week of Easter: 23rd April, 2015
Acts 8: 26-40; Jn 6: 44-51

Phillip is mightily used by God,  taken from place to place by the Spirit. It was because he allowed himself to be used;  he submitted to the plans of God. The Court Official is chosen to belong to the Lord because he had a fundamental thirst for the knowledge of the matters of God.

Jesus declares that it is the Lord who draws one to himself. And the Lord draws those who are drawn to the Lord in their choices,  in their priorities,  in their daily decisions. It is ofcourse the Lord who initiates but it is upto us to readily and promptly acknowledge these initiatives and respond to them from the depths of our beings. The one who begins the good work in us will surely bring it to its completion (cf. Phil 1:6)in God's own time.

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