Monday, May 4, 2015

WORD 2day : The Next Phase

Monday, V week of Easter: 4th May, 2015

Acts 14: 5-18 ; Jn 14: 21-24

Jesus initiates the next phase... he promises his Spirit who will reside in our hearts and instruct us of the right thing to be done at the right time. The Spirit of truth and counsel, the Spirit of strength and determination. It is the Spirit that makes them so strong and powerful that Paul and Barnabas were considered to be like gods.

This is a reminder of what Jesus promised us in yesterday's Gospel: the one who believes in me will do all that I do, and even more than that! The Holy Father in his letter Evangelium Gaudium speaks of Spirit-filled Evangelisers... that is what the Lord wants us to become,  in and through our daily life,  within our families and wherever we are!

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