Wednesday, June 10, 2015

WORD 2day: 10th June 2015

A sure ground to stand on

Wednesday,  10th week in Ordinary Time, 2015
2 Cor 3: 4-11; Mt 5: 17-19

One commercial I so vividly remember from my childhood is about the 2 minute noodle! Its alarming to see  all that is going on in its regards today. What was good one day, is not good any more. What seems true today is soon proved a lie. A court finds one gravely guilty,  a higher court acquits the same person as totally innocent! Can we base our life on facts as flimsy as these?

The readings today offer us the only sure foundation we have: the foundation that Jesus referred to as the foundation of rock, the foundation of the Word and the Holy Will of God.  At times people place so much of confidence in persons who are around that when they feel let down they feel as if the whole earth under their feet is giving way. We have nothing to assail us because we have a great wall of defence,  a sure foundation in the Lord. Let us realise,  we are standing on the promises of God!

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