Saturday, July 11, 2015

WORD 2day : 11th, July 2015

God cares! Do you?

Saturday,  14th week in Ordinary Time
Gen 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Mt 10: 24-33

Jacob and Joseph go their way back to where they belonged. And they, specially Joseph, seem to remind the rest of them that where they are is not actually where they belong - a reminder they pay no heed to. God will take care of them is the promise given them by their fathers and the people did experience that care when the appointed time came. But the question was,  did they care enough to take note of all the goodness God was showing them.

Though we rush in with joy to places where the Lord leads us, with a few cares and concerns that come our way we lose sight of the Lord who had in first place brought us there,  given us all that we have and had taken such meticulous care of us. We are quick to complain and to mindlessly question God on a few things that may seem to go out of hand. God cares so much for us remind the Gospel today;  but do we care to acknowledge and surrender to that care?

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