Sunday, August 2, 2015

Make a Difference

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 2nd August, 2015

If you are a Christian...
Feel the Difference, 
Live the Difference, 
Make a Difference!
that is what the readings invite us to! 

Stop Complaining...start feeling the presence of God says the first reading today!
Stop Running after useless things...prioritise God in your life says the Gospel!
Stop following the crowd...make the crowd turn to follow you, as a Christian, says St. Paul.

We need to feel the presence of the Lord who makes a difference for us! We need to start living that difference in our life, on a daily basis, by showing to the world that our value systems are different, that our priorities are different and that our foundation is different. We will then surely make a difference, wherever we are! 

The Difference is God! Make God felt, in and through all that you are!


Unknown said...

Thank you for the faithful posting at fb page & twitter
Knights Watchmen bro felix

chris said...

Dear Bro felix...
Thanks for those words of encouragement. God bless you.