Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Tough times of parenting: Remembering St.  Monica
27th August, 2015: 1 Thes 3: 7-13; Mt 24:42-51

Imbibing the readings of today with the saint of today before our minds, offers an insight so lovely and urgent. In these days of exaggerated levels of promiscuity and compromises,  the worst affected are the young and the children. Parents, if considered the householders placed in charge of these young souls, need to be constantly on the guard as the Gospel pictures it today. They have to be constantly on their knees, like St. Paul who felt the need to pray for his spiritual children.

It was this same act of faith on the part St. Monica that saved her son and gave us a great theologian in the person of St. Augustine. Monica stands today a great example for the parents of a faith family. Let us pray for troubled mothers who agonise on account of their vagrant children. May the Lord protect the children of these days from the viles of the times.

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