Tuesday, September 15, 2015

WORD 2day : 16th September, 2015

Being Childlike versus being childish

Wednesday, 24th week in Ordinary Time
1 Tim 3: 14-16; Lk 7: 31-35

Unless you become like these children you will not enter the Reign of God,  said Jesus. It is the same Jesus today in the Gospel compares the generation to the children playing and derides them for it. How do we make sense of this? Simply by understanding the difference that exists between being childlike and being childish. The former is having the disposition of a child,  totally dependent on God and loving towards others. The latter would be behaving immature, with oneself at the centre of everything,  one's own ideas,  demands and wishes. St. Paul instructing Timothy's church invites them towards this maturity,  to grow into God's family.

At times in our prayers and lifestyle we can remain stunted as children,  expecting that our wishes be fulfilled and our demands be met by everyone else. It is not being loved but loving, it is not being understood but understanding,  it is not being forgiven but forgiving that makes one a true disciple of Christ.

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