Monday, October 12, 2015

WORD 2day: 13th October, 2015

No excuses...just Integrity! 

Tuesday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time
Rom 1: 16-25; Lk 11: 37-41

The terminology used by Paul sounds very practical, warning us that there are no excuses one can give for not recognising the hand of God in and through the immensity of the reality around. And added to that when it comes to me and God, I don't need to have proofs and justifications and evidences that I believe in God or not. Because God knows the innermost thoughts of mine and I need not be bothered about my presentations and formulations. This is the fundamental element of what we call 'integrity'...Having the least discrepancy between my inner self and my external behaviour, between my convictions and what I engage myself in on a daily basis, between what really matters for me and what I present myself as to others! Jesus uses simple terms for that in the Gospel - inside and outside! Let both be clean he says... I can have no excuses when it comes to my innerself, for I stand convicted before God who knows the innermost thoughts. 

Help me Lord to grow in my personal integrity! 

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