Tuesday, October 27, 2015

WORD 2day : 27th October, 2015

Midwives of the Reign of God

Tuesday,  30th week in Ordinary Time
Rom 8:18-25; Lk 13: 18-21

Paul gives us a vivid imagery for the whole creation - the entire universe is waiting to be recreated, be made new, be born anew, to give birth to the New earth and New heaven... Jesus likens that recreation to the coming of the Reign of God.

The creation and the renewal... what is our role in it according to Paul?  We who are already made new in Christ are invited to be facilitators in this process of re-creation; midwives in this process of new birth. We are called to assist the world in bringing forth the Reign of God  into this world like a large plant, or a seasoned dough...

Let us understand where we belong - to the Reign and not to world. Let us strive for the ultimate renewal - from within,  not a mere external adjustment.

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