Tuesday, November 10, 2015

WORD 2day : 11th November, 2015

A humble heart is a grateful heart

Wednesday,  32nd week in Ordinary Time
Wis 6: 1-11; Lk 17: 11-19

Recently I listened to an insightful sharing of one of my friend-priests on this Gospel episode,  explaining 'nine reasons why a person turns ungrateful'... if I may, I would sum them all up to just one basic reason: lack of humility,  humility understood here as accepting the truth as it is. It is humility with a hook to exaggeratedly lower myself than what I actually am. It is ofcourse madness to imagine myself to be a super being, mindless of the numerous limitations I do possess. The Word invites me today to look squarely at myself and acknowledge the good that God has done to me. It is at one and the same time,  both humility and gratitude because,  a humble heart is a grateful heart!

While the first reading draws attention to the haughty at heart who think they are creators unto themselves, the Gospel pictures the ingratitude of the many and the lowliness of the truly righteous. When I know and accept the limitations within me, I would be surprised at every good and admirable thing that I accomplish. I would instantly realise the wonders that God works in and through me, without much ado. That is a humble heart,  a grateful heart,  a truly holy heart.

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