Wednesday, December 2, 2015


The Advent Task: Hope in God

2nd December, 2015
Is 25: 6-10; Mt 15: 29-37

What a day to think of this message: from 5 in the morning I have been getting calls and following updates of floods in our part of the State. People are stranded, held up,  locked in, left without anything to eat... at these moments despair can get the better of us. The whole heated discussion of the rising level of intolerance in India and the debates and demonstrations for and against it is yet another despair inducing scenario. The increasing conditions of inhumanity and violence in the world and the lack of transparent and righteous coalitions against evil, is an alarming state of affairs! But I was pleasantly surprised to receive a message from someone explaining all private initiatives to help the flood affected...the message from a non-Christian but ended with a quote: 'if God is for us who can be against us'!

That is hope and Christian living and thinking is all about hope. Waiting for the Lord is all about hope. Hoping in the Lord is not a leap in the dark, it's seeing the light that comes through or being determined to pick up the first streak of light that pierces through. Hope makes us authentically Christians... fear strips us of it!

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