Monday, December 7, 2015


The Advent Task: Perceive

7th December, 2015
Is 35: 1-10; Lk 5: 17-26

I found a whatsapp message circulated these days after the Chennai Floods. It read thus: FOUND MISSING: CASTE and CREED in the CHENNAI CITY. Those who find them do not bring them back, please! Going around with a group of youngsters to reach out to the flood affected areas, what sights of humanity we witness! Just an instance to quote: a person, from 120 kilometers away from Chennai all on his own brought 4000 bottles of drinking water dropped it at our place for the affected people and left back to their place! 

The Prophets have always been giving the indications of the Messianic times. The dumb speaking, the lame walking, the possessed freed and the captives liberated...the people saw all these happening with Jesus around. But they stopped with seeing. The people around could not perceive the message beyond all that was happening around them!

Today we are called not just to see, but to perceive; to perceive the signs that the Lord is giving us - to build up the true Reign of God...not our petty kingdoms, not our ego centers, not our brand building and not our monopoly. 

If we do not begin to perceive, we will miss the whole message! Without perceiving, miracles wont be miracles... we will only see strange things, as in today's Gospel!

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