Sunday, December 20, 2015



20th December, 2015
Mic 5: 1-4; Heb 10:5-10;Lk 1:39-44

The past three weeks have inspired us to reflect on Hope, Love and Joy. This week we have Peace as the point of focus. The world stands in need of peace and many offer this peace at the cost of various things. No matter what cost we pay, the peace seems to exhaust in a while. Where do go in search of a lasting peace. We need not go anywhere because the Peace has come to us. He himself will be peace, promises prophet Micah in the first reading today. 

The readings today trace the way to peace, a true lasting peace: Stop thinking about yourself, start thinking of the other, peace will automatically happen.

The model of Incarnation: God began to think of us, God began to think of us so much to the extent of giving up the divine form and become a human person... the Prince of Peace was born.

The model of Jesus: Here I come to do your will - that was the disposition with which Jesus lived his life here on earth as the letter to the Hebrews bring out so clearly. Jesus, did not only speak of doing the will of his Father, but lived it right upto the death on the cross.

The model of Mary: We have yet another closer model, a model that showed how this whole process can work - forgetting oneself, making a journey all that distance and being of service to Elizabeth.

The more I think of myself, there is a tendency that rises to prove myself, compete with the others, look at others as a threat and thus a lack of peace and serenity. The less I think of myself, there is a possibility that my life will be lived in communion with the One who sustains my life and with those who are around me, sharing the same experience of humanity. 

Let us begin to lessen thinking of ourselves, increase the thinking about others...then peace will have its chance.

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