Wednesday, December 23, 2015


The Advent Task: Read the Message

23rd December, 2015
Mal 3: 1-4, 23-24; Lk 1: 57-66

This is an age of whatsapp and instagram. I, for an instance, receive close to over 200 messages everyday. But how many of them do I read fully? Most of them I do not even open, some of them I read just the beginning and by then know what it is about. Just a very few I read with attention. At times our attitude to life too becomes this way: we get so used to life and daily events of life that we do not pay attention to any but just a few things around us. New people, new events remain merely strangers and strange happenings, familiar people become 'same old people' and not worth paying attention to, just a few whom we consider 'important' we attend to. Is that a Reign attitude? 

The Word today says, NO! To Read the Message in every event and in every person, is the task given to us. If we miss this task we would miss Jesus when he comes. The Messenger is sent. The Messages are all around. It is there for our taking. We need to receive them, read them with care and respond to them with life. 

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