Monday, December 28, 2015

WORD 2day : 29th December, 2015

Secrets laid bare

5th day in the Christmas Octave
1 Jn 2: 3-11; Lk 2: 22-35

One of the key elements of an authentic spirituality should be to lay bare all secrets.  Jesus was meant to be doing that and that is one reason the pharisees and the Scribes could not put up with him. 

The way Jesus did it, was by making the criteria cut and dry. He stood far from multiplying requirements and rituals. He simplified the commandments and kept to the basics. He brought everything down to one commandment and this laid everything bare. No amount of beating around the bush would matter anymore... do you love or not? That was the only question which had to be answered and St John so plainly brings it out in today's first reading.

Let your love be genuine(Rom 12): St. Paul too understood this key to being Christlike.

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