Thursday, December 31, 2015

WORD 2day : 31st December, 2015

The end and the Beginning

7th day within Christmas Octave 
1 Jn 2: 18-21; Jn 1 : 1-18

The first reading today speaks of the last days and the Gospel speaks of the beginning with the Word! What a beautiful message to behold on the last day of the year! Things may appear as if everything is lost, but with the Lord nothing is lost. Any number of Anti Christs and evil forces may come, we will never lose: for we have with us a Lord whose love for us is more powerful than any power of this world! A Christian is one who is convinced of this to that extent that even in the middle of a life threatening crisis, he or she is ready to face it with serenity for the Lord is with him or her. The Word has become flesh and dwells amidst us, what do we have to fear! Let us welcome the new year with that unwavering hope in the Lord.

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