Sunday, January 17, 2016


2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: 17th January, 2016

Is 62:1-5;1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11

Today the Word establishes the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus. After the Baptism where Jesus is seen in public this is the incident that can be interpreted as the beginning of his life and work among people. The Word also defines what the purpose of the ministry is. It is to replenish the rapport between  God and God's people.

The imagery that holds the common thread between the readings today is that of marriage. Often the relationship between God and God's people is spoken of in terms of the faithfulness between the bride and the groom, as in the first reading from Isaiah. God wishes an intimate relationship with God's children but at times our lives run dry. It's also a pastoral concern that after all the weeks of Advent and Christmastide the ordinary season might seem too ordinary and eventless. As the wine ran short our lives too will run dry at moments.

We may have the jar and we may have them filled but it is Jesus who makes it wine! We may have all it takes to make this life meaningful and fruitful but be wondering why it isn't really working out... Jesus renders it fruitful; the Spirit makes our abilities true gifts.
When our lives run dry... let's take our jars filled to Jesus and he will turn them into wine;  let's surrender to the Spirit and the Spirit will make us God's children again.

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