Saturday, January 23, 2016

WORD 2day : 23rd January, 2016

Sanctity and Insanity

2nd Saturday in Ordinary Time
2 Sam 1:1-4,11-12,17,19,23-27; Mk 3: 20-21

There is quite a list of saints who were considered out of their minds... Paul, Francis of assisi, Bro. Juniper, Symeon of Emessa, Don Bosco... they were considered so because they were fools, fools for Christ as Paul calls himself (cf.1Cor 4:10).

Why were they considered so? What made them'out of their mind'? Infact they were not out of their mind but they went out of their way for others sake and the world calls it madness. Isn't it a folly or madness on the part of God to have done all that God did for humanity inspite of their infidelity and weaknesses? Jesus was a chip of that block and we are called to follow his footsteps... growing to be more and more mad: getting out of ourselves and loving people genuinely.

Sanctity and Insanity seem to have more than little that relate them... give it a thought.

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