Wednesday, January 27, 2016

WORD 2day : 27th January, 2016

The Word made sense

3rd Wednesday in Ordinary Time
2 Sam 7: 4-17 Mk 4: 1-20

The Word comes to us everytime with a specific call and life changing challenges. We would make it dead if we do not make the real sense out of it. The Lord provides us the possibility of making sense too,  only that we have to be ready and open.

We see David so open and eager, as Samuel makes sense of the Word to him. The disciples ask Jesus to make sense of the Word to them and Jesus does it so impressively.

Receiving the word and making sense of it should lead us to concrete changes in life. If not the Word would be dead as the seeds picked by the birds or scorched by sun or suppressed by the thorns. Let us be spiritually fertile giving fruit in abundance.

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